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Welcome to the Middle Age Guy.

Updated: Aug 28, 2020

“It's that in-between time Nothing really growing And nothing really dying” R. Ratliff

Welcome to the Middle Age Guy. The privileged. The fearful. The greedy. The angry. The whiney. The hunted. The hated. Hell, if you happen to be conservative, then we can’t forget the deplorable.

Not sure you fit into one of these categories? Good, you are in the right place.

If you’re one of the 50 million plus between 45 and 65 years old, perhaps of the Caucasian persuasion, and don’t take yourself too seriously, this blog may have something to offer you. If you haven’t found your place in one of the growing numbers of boutique categories being tossed around these days, then this blog is definitely for you.

On the other hand, if you are so uptight, your rectum turns coal into diamonds you may want to move on. This more than likely is not for you.

Let’s start with some uncomfortable truth about the position we find ourselves in. Some of us were handed the keys to the "Beamer" at birth, so to speak, and have lived a lifetime in self-centered luxury.

There are those contributing daily to the stereotypical “angry white guy” resistant to anyone and everyone who thinks, looks, or acts differently than they do.

Still, others have a strong sense of entitlement. You may hear them say things like, “I’ve earned everything I have, nobody gave me a damn thing. If I can do it, why can’t you.”

Then some have not done us any favors by their treatment of women, minorities, and other abuses of power.

Even Hollywood, hereafter referred to as Hollywierd contributes. The middle-aged white male is often portrayed in one of two ways, either as the narrow-minded moron or the epitome of evil.

I could go on, but you get the point.

So why a blog about being the most advantaged subcategory on the planet? Because I believe we are being barred from expressing ourselves.

Our problems (we can’t possibly have any.) Our opinions (If they want our opinion they'll give it to us.) Our fears. Our hopes. Our dreams.

Generally, I believe we are in the process of losing our right to be human.

That reminds me. A few things you may want to know before we get this party started.

You may choose to get offended. Others may choose to get offended. I will not always be politically correct. I will approach most topics with a bit of humor, a little wisdom, and share the truth as I see it.

That being said, this site denounces racism in all its forms. It’s evil and has no place in our world. I may cover topics related to race and other hot button issues, but I will never do it from a place of hate.

I'll talk about things that mean something to me as only I can tell it. From the middle-aged white dude perspective. Because that's who I am.

· Entertainment - Hollywierd & the Stupid White Guy Villain

· Health - Right of passage: The Colonoscopy

· Life – Don’t Suffer in Silence

· Politics – Majority Advantage vs. White Privilege

· Spirituality – Is there anybody out there?

· Sports – What’s in a name?

So get your Middle-Aged White Guy starter kit together, throw your cap on backward, trim your goatee, put on your Ray-Bans, blast Foreigner’s “Dirty White Boy,” and join me.

I look forward to hearing your comments, suggestions, and snide remarks as we celebrate our shared senescent.

P.S. se·nes·cence, noun, the condition or process of deterioration with age.

(Don't worry, I had to look it up too.)


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